Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Remember the News

Can you actually remember the happenings of 1966? Lyndon Johnson was President, and Hubert Humphrey his second.

Our life expectancy was about 70. Stamps were 5 cents, and unemployment about 4.5%. It was actually the year Medicare began. The Supreme Court of the Untied States decided the famous Miranda v. Arizon and tv crime shows were changed forever. There were riots in Watts. Baltimore swamped the Dodgers 4-0 in the World Series. Boston beat the Lakers in another great series 4-3. Notre Dame and Michigan shared the national NCAA title. Texas Western beat Kentucky for the collegiate basketball championship. The Sound of Music was Best Picture. It was the year of Star Trek's first episode.

Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood" was released.

And in Clarke County, the Courier continued printing the stories of our youth....

Every year we had the Fireman's Yard Party.... raising money for the local fire and rescue, riding the fire truck around town, eating, attending the auction, and maybe picking up a free kitten or pup.

and then there was working on the farm, and the Ruritan Club preparing a field of corn....

after that, when it was real hot, we always had the pool behind the Community Building

and for some, there was Garden Week and the chance to visit the great historic mansions in the community

All in all, some great memories.

But don't forget, we're still looking for your old and new photos to share. Send them to today! Also, please post a comment on our stories. We checked and learned there is no home football game the Friday of Reunion weekend. We will be playing Central at Woodstock. Let folks know if you might want to go with a comment on this post or by an email. See you in September.


At 5/18/2006 5:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look how thin they are.


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